
Jana linke sippl kasie cavanaugh armwrestling
Jana linke sippl kasie cavanaugh armwrestling

jana linke sippl kasie cavanaugh armwrestling

I've added Diana based on RNC's approximations, but although I think Venom had been stronger than when she went to Fight Pulse probably, it would seem like Diana might go higher if anything based on their armwrestling and based on the general impression that she gets a bit stronger recently and plays Rugby etc! Maybe Veve Lane is the opposite - I'm not sure if the next category would be the one, but Royh said she had exactly the same results as Viktoria (and he saw Viktoria multiple times, in recent years, whether or not at her absolute strongest). Like I said before I think Shawna Strong (MusclebeautyX) might be under-sold a bit according to comments of others but I've left her placings as they were, and similarly I didn't introduce Ina Black to the list but it might seem that especially on the left side it might be realistic to do so. (Jolie?, Tyler Dare, Empress Asia?, Sara Lips?, Natalie Steeles?) (Diana from Fight Pulse, Veve Lane, Cococrush?, Redd from SF, Hot Stuff Hollie?, Anat, Mahea, Tapered Physique, Anji, Izabella, Sandra from Femwrestle) Kasie Cavanaugh vs Panther (from Athena2 videos etc)

jana linke sippl kasie cavanaugh armwrestling

(Amy Rainaldo, Hardbody Cynthia, Miss Daniels?, Eva Damoh, Jana Linke-Sippl)

jana linke sippl kasie cavanaugh armwrestling

(Diana from Fight Pulse, Veve Lane, Scorpion, Rada Gold, Kimbra, Cococrush?, Hot Stuff Hollie?, Miss Daniels, Anji, Sara Lips, Natalie Steeles)Īnita D (ex-DWW - known as Ani elsewhere afterwards) vs Shelby Beach (Amy Rainaldo, Hardbody Cynthia?, Tyler Dare?, Anat?, Tapered Physique?, Izabella, Sandra from Femwrestle, Eva Damoh, Jana-Linke Sippl?) (Th-Resa Bostick, Diana Ball, Amazon Annie?) Where the girl is listed below a batch of match-ups, it means I think it seems like she would fit somewhere in that sort of category (not at the bottom of it): I'm adding a few that have been mentioned on another thread or by PM I think too, by for example Royh, RNC or Paul Tea. I've looked back through the thread though and come up with this, but can't be sure that I'm making the right interpretation in all cases, and sometimes it's not clear whether one arm is better than the other. It's still hard to put everything together though, and surely several girls can improve, get stronger, do really well at it on particular days and there can be other variables. I thought with a few extra clues added to the thread, I'd have a go anyway at doing the combination analysis again! Maybe it can be helpful to guys booking sessions and also the girls (so they are recognised as being very good at armwrestling, but also so that they aren't expected to be better at it than they even are). Of course some things, as we discussed before, will seem a bit different for different people in different sessions, and it's also uncertain in terms of where various other girls that others saw might slot into things.

Jana linke sippl kasie cavanaugh armwrestling